
Ranking - The Pronouns!

Bottom 5 (Worst pronouns of all time)

5. Whom – Admit it, you never know when to use it.

4. Us – Usually used to describe a relationship once the sex has dwindled.

3. We – Same as above just less sex.

2. Who – Makes me look stupid on those rare occasions where I should’ve used Whom

1. His/Hers – Please check the “gay” box if you have; towels, sweaters, t-shirts or afghans.

Top 5 (best pronouns of all time)

5. It – Integral if “Fuck” is a player in your vocabulary.

4. Her – Look at her… (fill in anything here)

3. Whichever – Brilliantly never forces you to make a decision.

2. What – Buys you 5 more seconds when asked, “Where were you?”

1. Myself – Wait a minute. Technically “Myself” is an Intensive Pronoun that is used to emphasize its antecedent and since Intensive Pronouns are identical in form to Reflexive Pronouns can it be #1?

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